Sunday, March 26, 2017

Eugene, the budding carpenter ;-)

The young man has been bugging me about this for several weeks now, and yesterday we shot out to Bunnings to get him some tools, a fold-able workbench and bits-and-pieces so he could build a desk. He was ecstatic and was super-impressed that he got a whole toolbox of goodies....they grow up too fast though, don't they :-(

Unpacking the bits before he started assembling his workbench.

Testing the cordless screwdriver ;-)

Starting to assemble his workbench...

Work begins on his first ever project, a small and basic table.

Well, almost square, but he did them 100% himself. Proud dad!

The little wooden table taking shape; had a couple of beers while observing. I could get used to this!


He is super-proud of his desk, as he should be.

Sunday, March 19, 2017

Karla se Voorstelling - Dankie Here, ons is so dankbaar!

Vandag was vir die Aussie-Van's 'n groot dag. Sestien of-so jaar na Karla se doop is sy vanoggend aangeneem as beleidende lidmaat van Jesus se kerk. Hy het ons almal baie getoets met die jare, maar ons ook so baie geseen, en ons is dankbaar dat ons uit genade vandag ons doop-belofte kon nakom.

Karla, ons is baie trots op jou ook ons liefling, en mag die Here jou altyd op sy hande dra, net soos Hy nog altyd gedoen het.

(Fotos: Cornelius, dankie boet!)

Bles-kol, be gone ;-)

'n Simboliese doop deur Karin en ekke.

Geno by die video & sound desk.