Sunday, October 30, 2011

Semi-refurbished Weber and Roast Lamb

So, after ~2 hours of elbow-grease, sweat and plenty of Jif the "old" Weber is almost good as new. It is amazing just how good it has come up. The only thing that remains is a couple of coats of high-heat "shimmering  rose" paint, and some varnish on the wooden handles.

We put a small roast on it for a test run, and it worked beautifully. Great stuff!

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Freo Ferris wheel & old Weber

As most of you'll know I'm an avid Weber user, but have always wanted to get "an original". Yes, the old red ones with wooden handles etc. Well, I found one! It was on the verge two houses from us, so I snapped it up (good spotting Karin!). I will clean it up this weekend and will re-spray it when my dad visits in December.

We also have a huge Ferris Wheel in Freo for the summer. We all went up in it today ($40/family for ~6 revolutions), and it was great. The views are spectacular and the unit is air-conditioned and even has soft music playing. Very cool!

Hi all,

Been busy here, which is why the blog updates have been a bit slow. Also, had two 60" x 20" images printed and framed, and naturally work is keeping me very busy.


Monday, October 24, 2011

Weekend camping in Beelu National Park

The immaculate campground (complete with fire pit) in Beelu National Park, W.A.