Sunday, November 28, 2010

Family pics, the zoo and the train trip to Perth

My sister and her kids with us just before we left for the airport last night.

Just the kids...

After returning from our train excursion (see below) I put a roast in the Weber and everyone just chilled-out.

All the kids on their bikes/scooters.



At this stage everyone was pretty tired. We had been at the zoo for 4 hours and had another hour to go!

My sister and her kids seeing a real Kangaroo for the first time.

Toeks and a "big Red".

...and Elaine.

(snapped with Elaine's camera)
Ben, Eugene and I heading into the city.

At Gloria Jean's enjoying some coffee and muffins.

...just before Elaine bought the iPad...
Waiting for bus #99 at the Stirling station for the short drive down to Ikea.

Proof she was there (and very tired; it's a rather big store).
Cheap breakfast anyone?

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Cottesloe Beach & Coffee with the family from RSA

Everyone at the car as we are about to head to a coffee shop after 2 hours on the beach.
Having a quick snack between swimming and playing.

Aunt Elaine playing "Superman" with Eugene.

My mother-in-law lapping up the sunshine.

A sequence of shots showing Karla jumping into the sand with Ben looking on.

Elaine also had a go at jumping off the ledge, but with less abandon than Karla.

Elaine wanted this photo posted for the perfect landing she "stuck" following her jump.

Phew! A break and some coffee at the little coffee shop on Marmion Rd.
A picture for Andre back "home" in Port Elizabeth.
Ingrid and her hot chocolate.

Young Benjamin Button...

...Karla Poepelala


...Elaine &

Eugene & Ben, with evidence of the hot chocolate they just finished.

Monday, November 22, 2010

Cicerello's with the family from RSA

My sister, her kids and my mother-in-law at Cicerello's last night.

Just look what hunger does to those facial expressions! We were all impatiently waiting for the buzzer to go!

Ingrid with some ring-lighting. She is just like a fragile porcelain doll. Too cute.

Karin's mum all dressed up for the night out.

The view from our table. Nice, hey?

Eugene, Ben, Karla and Ingrid playing in the lounge before we went to Kings Park.

We were lucky enought to be in Fremantle at the official launch of the  ISAF World Sailing Championships to be held in Perth next year.

...and there were some fireworks as part of the ISAF launch. This was totally unexpected and thus doubly cool.

Friday, November 19, 2010

Karin's first Xmas cake in WA

Despite the heat Karin decided that this cake, which we dose daily with brandy, just had to be baked now so it could mature. Who, I ask you, am I to argue?

Karin's trusty Kenwood Chef still churns out the one great mixture after the other. We still bought this at Meyers in Sydney back in 2006.

As you can imagine the kids love watching, and then "cleaning" the left-overs (see photo below).

Little brother watching big sister as mum starts to teach her the tricks of the trade. Cute, hey?!

On a sugar high...

Told you, it was bound to happen. As an impartial photographer I simply cannot intervene in these matters.
