Petie and I decided to head out to Freo at 6am for coffee (yes, at Gino's...) and to then see where the morning took us. After two coffees and a good hour-and-a-half at Gino's we drove down to Point Walter, took some snaps and just spoke about this-that-and-the-other-thing, which was super relaxing. Great weather too and it is definitely spring. Our final stop was in Ardross at Point Heathcote, where we had a beer (thanks Petie!) at BWG before heading home. Looked at some of the little houses there too, but nothing that really grabbed us, so did not buy anything...
Great start to the weekend.
Dankie Ka en Mariaan vir die alleen-tyd, ons waardeer dit baie ;-)
PS: This was also my first test-run with my early fathers-day pressie; a Canon EF-S 24mm f/2.8 prime.
Wild flowers, a sure sign of Spring. |
Beer at 11am; never a bad thing :-) |
The clear blue skies of summer are upon us, woohoo! |
Some Macro test shots... |
Petie with the Nikon 105mm Micro Nikkor on "The Beast" (Nikon D800) |
Perth CBD from Point Heathcote, from the lawn in front of BWG Steak House. |