Saturday, April 14, 2018

Herfs lambraai en lekker dak natmaak.

Ons eerste herfs braai en lekker dak natmaak saam pelle. Dankie almal dat ek nou 5kg swaarder is; jullie is bad spanners!

Lekker rustig. 
Slagter besig met sy brood special. Wenner!

Jakkals keeping an eye on the Amelia Park lambs.

Nou braai ons, en...

...dan is 'n Boer op sy happy'ste.

Karla, Mila and a Kindle,...and an Instax camera that Mila found fascinating. 
The games of our youth are now the games of their youth. Proud in a weird kinda way.

Steven gooi'ing "moves". 

Pense vol en chill nou by die warmte.