Saturday, April 13, 2019

Preston Beach kamp saam ons vriende; ons is rerig geseend van Bo, en baie dankbaar.

It's been a while in the making, but we were finally able to get back to Preston Beach for some 4-wheel driving, fishing and beach-camping. Lots of small fish to be caught and Alex and Alex Jr had a good haul.

Nickey saved some poor Filipino souls who got badly bogged last night at 8:30 p.m. Half bogged in the sand, half in the water. Eisch! Their tyres were not deflated, and no recovery gear. They were fortunate we were camped within sight (~500m) from them.

Preston Beach carpark, where you deflate those tyres (but I did not initially let them down enough).
I was fortunate to get the awning and roof-rack done before this trip.

On top of the hill overlooking our usual spot.
I was super-chuffed the Trailblazer got up here easy-peasy.
Well, easy once Bul helped me out, and I dropped the tyres from 18-15psi.

A wider shot...

Our camp looking inland. The stars out here are amazing, and this with a half-moon in the sky.

Bul's fishing gear with the moon setting over the Indian Ocean.
What more could one want? To be here is just so relaxing and refreshing.

Similar photo to the one above it, but with the moon in the right-top corner.

The camp at ~5:45am, with people starting to stir. 

My drone looking down (South, South East) on our camp spot.