Saturday, January 11, 2020

The South East trip

We did something quite unusual; all 4 of us went camping together. We've not done this in a while.

We stopped at Yalingup, Canal Rocks, 3 Bears, Injidup, Redgate Beach, Boranup Forest & Beach, North Point, Gracetown, Augusta, Conto & Jarrahdene (and I probably forgot some too).

Canal Rocks, Yalingup

Parked up at 3 Bears Beach

Karla on the stairs heading down to 3 Bears

Site 23 @ Jarrahdene. Nice one! 
On either Point Rd or Trigg, not sure.
We did a fair bit of 4WD'ing on the trip

Boranup Lookup. The road up there is a dead-end, so I was a bit nervous about the heat and wind,
as a fire would catch us in a tight spot. The Trailblazer has been rock solid since we bought it in April.

...Betty was getting a bit dusty...

North Point (Boranup; not the one in Gracetown).

Us on North Point with Boranup Beach (Hamelin Bay) in the background.

Boranup Karri Forest.

The remnants of the old Super Mill from the early 1900's (Jarrahdene).

Making brekkie....

All set up in Augusta.

The lighthouse at Augusta.

The friendly neighborhood fly catcher at Redgate Beach.

Our final evening...

Karla with some lizards she noticed on a path in Gracetown.
They lay completely still in the morning sun.

Yeah, Nah, not getting in the water here.

An absolute MUST STOP in Gracetown. Good spot.

Injidup Natural Spa.

Another smaller, less crowded pool further South along Injidup beach.

Now, back to day 1. Yes, I managed to get her nicely stuck. It took me an hour, but am a little proud to say I got her out again. Thank goodness (for the second time) for Maxtrax.

...and no, not even a diff lock would have got you unstuck here.