Sunday, October 18, 2020

The Holland Track 2020 - Our second run

 A year on, with some better tyres, a lift-kit, drawers, awning extension and some other bits, and we tackled the Holland Track again. Just like last year, it was heavenly to get away from the hustel-and-bustle. Can't wait for 2021's trip...

Karin & Sandri at Wave Rock in Hyden, W.A.

Hippo's Yawn.

The start of the track, which is ~45km East of Hyden. We stopped for a late lunch snack.

Camp on night one, somewhere near Wattle Rocks.

Me with my birthday banana bread cake and candle :-)

It may not look like much now, when it is "dry", but this is the famed "Deep Red" mud trench.

Mitch getting some alternator clogging mud on the 200-Series. Well done mate, the video is awesome!


Charging the battery,...the mud was messing with the alternator.
Thankfully the solar blanket helped a little.

A beautiful, healthy Thorny Devil on the track (we helped it safely across).

A Crested Bicycle Dragon (Ctenophorus cristatus)

An iconic stop along the track, where it crosses Mount Day road. Behind me is the Centenary market rock.
I am holding the book with our sign-in from 2019.

This old Isuzu ute is also parked at the Mount Day rd crossing.

Taking a break at the Gnamma Holes outcrop.

Karin and I at Thursday Rock, with the small rock cairn in the distance.

Our campsite on night-2, about 2km West-South-West of Thursday Rock.

At the Track exit, where it joins Victoria Rock road, and one travels North to Coolgardie.