Sunday, August 1, 2021

Ninghan & Maranalgo Stations - Near Paynes Find, W.A.

As the school holidays began, Karin and I decided to shoot up North for 4 days, after which we'd return for a week-long trip to Murchison Station, just outside the beautiful coastal town of Kalbarri.

Ninghan was good again, but Maranalgo Station, just on the Northern edge of Lake Moore, was spectacular too. The photo's never do it justice.

On the way North we stopped (for the first time) at New Norcia. It is a very interesting town; worth the stop.

A little lizzard in our bag of firewood. One of the few
signs of wildlife in the winter. Quite unusual I though, seeing how cold it was (very!).

Something new; well two things really. The first is our new Coleman lanterns. 
It runs on Lithium batteries, so can give light for ~86 hours on one charge. Nice!
We also tried some hikers freeze-dried food. It was entirely edible, but no 
match for a steak on the fire and a foil-wrapped potato cooked in the embers.

A very chilly start to the morning, and yes, it had rained again! Aaargh!

Nice! Mt Stirling in the background, so it is a bit artsy-fartsy.

It is still a month before the wildflowers will explode into the landscape, but there
are already signs of the beauty to come. In person the display was stunning.

Karin chasing some Roo's down the hill. Aside from the hills, it is pretty flat out here.

Karin on Watharagabbing Hill with Mt Singleton behind her.

At the Paynes Find Roadhouse you can get a meal for next-to-nothing. Bargain!

If you want to see Lake Moore in all its glory up-close, you must enter Maranalgo Station.
You can get to the Northern (spectacular) edge of Lake Moore from here.

Just WoW!

What remains of a Roo after a summer exposed in the Outback.

Our camp on Maranalgo Station. We caught up with Byron (station manager) who kindly
gave us permission to camp the night. 

A wider shot. The Sony struggled a little in the low light.

Aside from our fire, there was no moon and no light whatsoever. "Hello darkness my old friend!"

Bush TV has great reception in the Outback.

Sunrise in the Outback. Pretty darned good!