Friday, May 13, 2016

Getting back into the game...., and loving it.

It's not like riding a bike, no, much more like having a drink around the fire with a long-lost mate. Shaun, Raymond, Abu, Johan and I spent many (MANY) hours around the track back-in-the-day. Great times, great mates and some of the best of my life, even now. My boy (and daughter; although she is now driving real cars) is now getting into it, so the spark has been re-kindled, so away we go.
Found a nice club, good guys, and it still gives me the rush it always has. Blessed, that is for sure, and Karin is as supportive as she's always been (how lucky am I?!).
Camaro (mine), Porsche (Eugene's) 

The Crawler is still hanging around (tough as nails this rig), but just not as
exciting as on-road racing.
