Sunday, December 21, 2008

Holiday's are here! Thank goodness.

The December Holidays, short though they may be, have arrived. We have a busy time ahead of us, so will probably be more exhasuted after the break than before...

When I got home on Friday, Eugene popped into the car to help me steer it into the garage.

Minutes later we were in the pool. It was not cooking-hot, but warm enough for a swim. All we kept telling Karla was "Hold onto your brother!"

"Look Eugene, smile at Mum!" He did not want to play along.


The day before we were also in the pool, and Eugene was captain of HMS Babybath II. He cleary did not trust her sea worthyness. When dad helped stabilize things he was much happier (below).

Karin also backed two "Stollen", a German Xmas fruit-cake, for us this week. It was VERY tasty.

Stollen dough ready to be baked.